“Jesus help” prayer (for everything from lost toys to scraped knees to monsters)
Memorizing the Lord’s prayer
Anointing with oil when sick
“Go away, monsters, in the name of Jesus.”
Praying in tongues with/over your child
Thank you game. How many things can you think of to thank God for?
Toddler version of memory verses.
For example:When anxious: 1 Peter 5:7 = “Throw it to Jesus”
Trouble sleeping: Psalm 4:8 = “I will close my eyes and go to sleep because God makes me so safe.”
For aggressive behavior: Ephesians 4:26 = “When we’re mad, we don’t bite.”
Bible stories read to or shared verbally.
Worship music or “Jesus music”
Physical affection during worship at church
Interpret for your child by whispering lyric ”translation” in their ear during worship at church
Let them serve alongside adults – kids love to “help.” At outreach events, give them kid-sized tasks (stacking things, picking up trash, etc.)
Pray for friends who don’t know Jesus. Explain: Did you know that not everyone knows Jesus? How does that make you feel? How do you think they could hear about him?
If you provide a weekly allowance, let them put a tithe of their own in the offering plate
Pray for any sirens (ambulance, police, fire) you hear or see
Pray for and/or engage people asking for moneyPray for missionaries
Attend worship regularly as a family.
Teach that “church” is not a building or an event, but a bigger family they belong to.
Let toddlers participate in adult worship (don’t automatically rush to nursery if you can help it)
Allow young children to serve alongside parents at church – handing out bulletins, picking up trash, etc.
“Family dinner” – expectation of others welcomed at our table regularly, hospitality modeled and practiced
Explain the defining values of the family – “We don’t X. We do Y. Because Jesus does Y.”
Practice Sabbath with family playtime together every week. No work. No phones.
Annual rhythms such as Family Camp
Sharing daily “gratefuls and grumbles” as a family at dinner or bedtime.
Apology and reconciliation “liturgy” – “I’m sorry for X” / “I love you and I forgive you.”
Identifying and naming emotions – then matching emotions to Scripture:
It’s okay that you’re sad – Jesus cried too. (John 11:35)
It’s okay that you’re mad – Jesus got mad too. (Matt 21) BUT, when we are mad, we don’t hit/bite/kick/scream, etc (Eph. 4:26)
When I am afraid, I will trust God. (Psalm 56:3)When I’m worried, I can throw it to Jesus. (1 Peter 5:7)