The practice of praying in such a way that engages our imagination and helps us to encounter the Holy Spirit by reflecting on the person of Jesus.


  • Decide whether you prefer silence, or if some quiet background music is helpful for you.

  • Close your eyes.

  • Invite the Holy Spirit to meet with you today, and to inspire your imagination to help you encounter God through this practice.

  • In your mind’s eye, picture somewhere (real or imagined) where you feel peaceful. Maybe it’s a scene in nature, or a favorite spot in your home.

  • Next, picture Jesus coming to join you in that place. Imagine him walking up to you.

  • At this point, simply watch what Jesus does, listen for anything he says, and allow your imagination to participate in the scene, led by the Holy Spirit.

  • Write down anything significant that Jesus says or does.

  • Test it with Scripture - if it contradicts anything you know about Jesus from Scripture, let it go. But if it fits with the nature and character of God, gently receive it. Consider sharing with some spiritually mature friends who can confirm that this sounds like God.