The practice of reflecting deeply on Scripture for heart-level engagement with the Word of God.


  • Scripture Meditation is different from Scripture Reading - for broad exposure to the Bible - and Scripture Study - for comprehension and application of biblical truths. Scripture Meditation involves focusing deeply on a short passage of Scripture and inviting the Holy Spirit to speak directly to you about it.

  • Find a comfortable place to sit and limit distractions. Invite the Holy Spirit to meet with you.

  • Choose a short passage and read it slowly. (If you are looking for ideas, Psalms are great for meditation.)

  • Read the passage again, paying attention to anything that particularly “jumps off the page.” Allow yourself to ruminate on that word or phrase, turning it around in your heart and mind slowly.

  • If your mind wanders, gently bring it back and simply begin reading again.

  • Ask God if there’s anything he’d like to say to you. Write down anything that stands out or that feels particularly significant.

  • Remember that the goal here is not to be productive or even to “get anything” out of this. It’s simply to be with God and to reflect on his word. If he speaks, wonderful. If he doesn’t, that’s okay too. His presence, and his Word, are enough for this moment.