A practice of prayer which quiets the soul and helps us to rest in God’s presence.
Find a comfortable spot to sit, and limit all distractions
Decide how long you want to spend with this practice; you may be tempted to end early, so consider setting a quiet alarm
Decide whether you want to engage this practice in silence, or with some quiet instrumental music in the background
Close your eyes and invite the Holy Spirit to meet with you. Focus your attention and the “gaze” of your heart on God.
Choose a word or phrase from Scripture - something very short and repeatable - to turn over in your mind as a way to keep your attention fixed on Jesus. If you are a highly tactile person, you may want to choose a physical object, such as a holding cross or even a “worry stone” to hold onto as a physical way of focusing your attention.
As distracting thoughts come up, do your best to let them go. If you need to spend a few minutes making a list of things to think about later, that may help you to fully engage and relax.
Continue to fix your attention on Jesus, and rest in his presence.
The goal of this time is simply to be with Jesus. Not to do anything, get anything, or produce anything. Simply enjoy God’s presence, and allow his love to quiet you, ground you, and center you.
As you finish, reflect on your experience. What was difficult, what was enjoyable, what did you experience, how will this centering ground you for whatever is next in your day?