The practice of regular reflection and prayer via writing and/or drawing in a journal.
Decide when and how often you’d like to journal. Daily? Weekly? Something else?
Purchase a new journal and new pens that you really like. What will make journaling more appealing to you? If you are an artist, remember that journaling doesn’t always need to be verbal.
Use your journal as a prayer journal, writing or drawing your prayers out to God. Write conversationally, like you are writing to a friend. Share anything on your heart. Process your life with the Holy Spirit as with the most trusted of confidantes.
Leave space in your journaling time to listen to God. Record anything you think he might be saying to you. Test what you hear against Scripture (if it contradicts Scripture it’s not from God) and/or share with a trusted friend who can help you discern if it sounds like a word from God.
Take time periodically to look back over your journals to remember what God has done in you over time. Give thanks for the ways you see him at work in your life.